Key to Species of Taxus in the Chinensis Subgroup

©The World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut
April 2003
; June 2006

1. Persistent bud-scales vestigial, minute,
0.3–0.8 mm long, scarcely imbricate...….................…—2

1. Persistent bud-scales conspicuous,
1.0–1.5 mm long, imbricate………....................…….……—3


2. Leaves linear, acuminate, strongly revolute in upper third;
Vietnam; Taiwan, Sulawesi; Fig. 45....—10. T. rehderiana

2. Leaves oblong to linear, obtuse to acute,
uniformly plane to recurved along margins;
South Vietnam (rare), SW China (common);
Fig. 46–48.................................……—6. T. chinensis


Fig. 46–48 (from left to right): Taxus chinensis. Fig. 46: from Sichuan, Wang 22602 (A), with linear acute leaves.  Fig. 47: from Hubei, China,,Cho 76099 (A), with oblong obtuse leaves characteristic of the species.  Fig. 48: from W Hubei, Wilson 624 (A), morph with complanate leaves, showing bud-scale scars at base of branchlets, compare leaf shape with T. canadensis var. adpressa.


3.Dried leaf surfaces ±concolorous, or yellowish green on abaxial surface; 
bud-scales at base of branchlets overlapping in many ranks; SW China.................... —4

3.Dried leaf surfaces discolorous, or yellowish orange on abaxial surface; 
bud-scales at base of branchlets in 1–2 ranks; SW China, Philippines, Indonesia.......... —5


4. Leaves acute, apiculate, 1.5-2.0 mm broad, convex and smooth above; 
 Fig. 52............................................................................ —11. T. scutata

4. Leaves obtuse, blunt, 3.0-3.5 mm broad, plane and rugose on 
upper surface; Fig. 53.............................................................—8. T. ocreata


Fig 52 (left): Taxus scutata, from Yunnan, Tsai 18464 (A), showing loose spreading scales at base of branchlets.

Fig. 53 (right): Taxus ocreata from Yunnan, Feng 11937 (A), holotype, showing adnate scales at base of branchlets, cone scales, and unattached seed..

5. Branchlets and leaves mostly not overlapping; leaves parallel at 
nearly right angles, persistent; Nepal, NE India, Malaya, China 
(Taiwan, Yunnan), Philippines................................................. —9. T. phytonii

5. Branchlets and leaves crisscrossing, leaves often at oblique angles, 
falling off by the 3rd yr; Myanmar, China (Fujian), Philippines, 
Indonesia (Sulawesi, Sumatra)..................................................—7. T. obscura


Figs.54–58: Taxus phytonii (Figs. 54–55) and T. obscura (Figs. 56–58).  Fig. 54 (upper left): from Taiwan, Wilson 11154 (A, holotype). Fig. 55 (upper right): from Yunnan, Tsai 59874 (A). Fig. 56 (lower left): from Philippines, de Laubenfels P669 (GH). Fig. 57-58 (lower right): from Philippines, illus. of T-sect. (Fig. 57) and view of abaxial surface of leaf (Fig. 58) showing leaf margin (left) to midrib (right) , drawn from Curran s.n. (US). Note contrast in color between upper and lower surfaces, and the similarity to T. chinensis in leaf sections.